reciti könyv
Filiczki De Filefalva, Iohannes. Carmina Quae Exstant Omnia. Edidit, Introduxit Et Commentariis Instruxit David Molnár. 7. Bibliotheca Scriptorum Medii Recentisque Ævorum. Series Nova 20. Budapest: reciti, 2023.
The oeuvre of Iohannes Filiczki de Filefalva (ca. 1583–1622) is almost completely unknown in Hungarian literary history, although some of his contemporaries called him the “second Ovid”. After a decade and a half of his peregrination in Germany and Switzerland, he returned to Hungary around May 1616, and worked as an assistant professor at the Calvinist school of Sárospatak. In 1622, he became the rector but died of the plague in August of the same year.
The current volume is publishing the critical edition of Filiczki’s known poetic works. This volume will be available free of charge both in printed and in pdf format.
Bibliotheca Scriptorum Medii Recentisque Aevorum (BSMRÆ)
A sorozat célja elsősorban a középkori és kora újkori magyarországi és magyar vonatkozású latin nyelvű irodalom emlékeinek hozzáférhetővé tétele a tudományos kutatás számára. Juhász László alapította 1930-ban, irányításával 1946-ig 39 kötete jelent meg. A sorozat 1976-ban indult újra (Series Nova), szerkesztője Pirnát Antal és Szörényi László. 1992-től Szörényi László Pajorin Klárával, 2006-tól Békés Enikővel. 2009-től Déri Balázs szerkesztésében alsorozat indult Monumenta Ritualia Hungarica címmel, a középkori magyar liturgikus hagyomány emlékeinek megjelentetésére.
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Iohannes Filiczki De Filefalva
Carmina Quae Exstant Omnia
Edidit, Introduxit Et Commentariis Instruxit
Textum Latinum recensuerunt:
Textum Graecum recensuit:
Praefationem in Anglicum conversam recensuit:
The publication of the present volume
has been sponsored and supported by
the NKFIH OTKA PD-132376 research grant and by the
HUN-REN: Research Centre for the Humanities
Institute for Literary Studies
‧You are free to share, copy, and quote our book
according to the conditions of the
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Hungary License.
Our volumes can be downloaded from our website.
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HU ISSN 0133-6711
ISBN 978-615-5478-72-7
Published by r e c i t i,
content provider of the Institute for Literary Studies
at the Research Center for the Humanities,
Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
Editio princeps: 2023
Page layout by Zsuzsa Szilágyi N.
WEB: Béla Hegedüs
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