Nicasius Ellebodius Casletanus: Epistulae

október 8th, 2024 § 0 comments

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Nicasius Ellebodius Casletanus, Epistulae. Ediderunt et commentariis instruxerunt Susanna Kovács, Aaron Orbán & Adam Szabó. Bibliotheca Scriptorum Medii Recentisque Ævorum. Series Nova 21. Budapest: Reciti Kiadó, 2024.

Nicasius Ellebodius Casletanus (1535–1577), a Flemish humanist and one of the most outstanding scholars of ancient Greek of his time, left a wealth of unpublished material due to his early death. His career was shaped by his studies in Padua, where he came into contact with eminent Italian humanists in the circle of Gian Vincenzo Pinelli. His only published work during his life was the editio princeps of Nemesius’s De natura hominis. He emended, translated into Latin, and commented on texts by Aristotle, Apollonius Dyscolus, Michael Synkellos, and Aristophanes, but all these remained unpublished when he died.

More than 200 pieces of his correspondence survive. His letters to Gian Vincenzo Pinelli are the most numerous, but he was also in contact with Paolo Manu­zio, Piero Vettori, Girolamo Mercuriale, János Zsámboky, Hugo Blotius, Joachim Camerarius Jr., Carolus Clusius and others. The letters cover a variety of issues and contain a wealth of information on manuscripts, works in preparation, and the acquisition and dispatch of books. This volume is a critical edition of letters in Italian and Latin, mostly unedited previously. Beyond the letters and their critical apparatus, the volume contains a detailed biography of Ellebodius and abundant notes that reveal the biographical, historical, and intellectual context of the issues raised in the letters.


Bibliotheca Scriptorum Medii Recentisque Aevorum (BSMRÆ)


A sorozat célja elsősorban a középkori és kora újkori magyarországi és magyar vonatkozású latin nyelvű irodalom emlékeinek hozzáférhetővé tétele a tudományos kutatás számára. Juhász László alapította 1930-ban, irányításával 1946-ig 39 kötete jelent meg. A sorozat 1976-ban indult újra (Series Nova), szerkesztője Pirnát Antal és Szörényi László. 1992-től Szörényi László Pajorin Klárával, 2006-tól Békés Enikővel. 2009-től Déri Balázs szerkesztésében alsorozat indult Monumenta Ritualia Hungarica címmel, a középkori magyar liturgikus hagyomány emlékeinek megjelentetésére.

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Nicasius Ellebodius Casletanus

Ediderunt et commentariis instruxerunt
Susanna Kovács
Aaron Orbán
Adam Szabó

The volume was prepared in collaboration with colleagues with different linguistic
Zsuzsa Kovács edited the letters in Italian.
Áron Orbán edited the letters in Latin no. 1-8, 10-11, 13, 16-23, 26-30, 33-35, 38, 55-56, 59, 63-64, 67, 73-74, 79, 81, 83, 86, 88, 91, 95, 104, 111, 115, 128, 147, 149, 155, 158, 162-164, 167, 170-173, 176, 178, 182-183, 185, 187, 190-192, 194, 202, 207-208.
Ádám Szabó edited all the Greek texts in the volume, and the letters in Latin no. 24-25, 31-32, 36-37, 39-41, 57, 82, 96, 100-101, 108, 117, 166, 209, Appendix.
The commentaries are a joint work.
The Latin and Greek texts were controlled by
Gábor Bolonyai.
The transcription of the Italian texts was controlled by
Silvia Marsili.
The English texts were proofread by Judith Rasson.

The publication of the present volume has been sponsored and supported by the
NKFIH 132710 research grant
(“The Correspondence of Nicasius Ellebodius. Critical
Edition and Network Studies”. Project leader Ádám Szabó)
and by the
Institute for Literary Studies
(HUN-REN, Research Centre for the Humanities)

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ISBN 978-615-6255-98-3
ISBN 978-615-6255-99-0 (pdf)
ISSN 0133-6711

Published by r e c i t i,
content provider of the Institute for Literary Studies
at the Research Center for the Humanities,
MTA Centre of Excellence.
Editio princeps: 2024

Cover & page layout by Zsuzsa Szilágyi N.
WEB: Béla Hegedüs



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